Abundant Supply of Painkillers

According to the Center for Disease and Control, enough prescription painkillers were prescribed in 2010 to medicate every American adult around-the-clock for a month. While prescription painkillers were initially formulated to help people cope with pain—in today’s day and age, more and more people are using them to get high.

Considering that the quantity of prescription painkillers sold to pharmacies, hospitals, and doctor’s offices was four times larger in 2010 than in 1999, it’s no surprise that more and more prescription painkiller overdoses are occurring.  Looking at it from a world view, the United States consumes over 80 percent of the world’s opium which is the active ingredient in painkillers, however we only have 4.6 percent of the world’s population.

According to the Los Angeles Times, drug deaths now outnumber traffic fatalities in the United States. One of the problems concerning prescription painkillers is how easy they are to get ahold of. Doctors are far too eager to write prescriptions for painkillers to help patients cope with pain.

Many doctors fail to take into consideration whether patients who are prescribed painkillers will become addicted to them. When doctors fail to look at the full medical history of a patient and whether the patient has a susceptibility to addiction, they are putting the patient’s health at risk.

Another problem concerning prescription painkillers is the relaxed attitude people have about taking them. Since they are prescribed by a doctor, people are under the faulty assumption that they are safer to take, and less addictive, unlike many of the illicit drugs sold on the streets.

So, who is to blame? When it comes to who is responsible for the rising number of prescription painkiller overdoses—more than one culprit is involved. Many overly aggressive pharmaceutical companies make false claims about their products and use psychological tactics to convince doctors how their patients can greatly benefit from using these pharmaceutical drugs.

However, the doctor’s office isn’t the only place where prescription painkillers are easily obtained.   According to the National Household Survey on Drug Use and Health (NHSDUH), an annual survey that includes information from interviews with thousands of people about their drug habit, most opioid painkillers are obtained from family or friends, over 69% do not get their painkillers from medical sources, but from family or friends.

Even though the majority of users get their painkillers from family and friends, the finger still points back to pharmaceutical companies and doctors who are allowing so many of these deadly drugs in the hands of people.  For a non abuser who has had any surgery in the last year, most have a bottle of oxy sitting in the medicine cabinet which can easily be stolen by someone visiting your home or given to a friend who asks for them.

Prescription drugs are one of the top drugs of choice for high school students because they are easier to obtain than both marijuana and alcohol since they can be found at home.  One of the new late night party trends taking place in cities throughout the United States are parties known as pharm parties. Pharm parties are parties where teenagers experiment with any number of prescription medications to obtain a high. Combine taking prescription painkillers with heavy alcohol consumption and you have a deadly cocktail of controlled substances—that can kill a person.

Many people fail to consider just how addictive and deadly prescription painkillers can be. According to the Center for Disease Control prescription overdose deaths have tripled in the last decade, with 40 people dying every day.

Prescription painkillers are easily attainable by just about anyone, regardless of age or socioeconomic status.  Doctors and healthcare professionals need to stop prescribing prescription painkillers to every patient who complains about pain and limit the number of pills in each prescription.  The healthcare industry needs to take an active role in educating each patient about the potential dangers of prescription drug abuse and actively limit the supply given to a patient. Until then, more and more prescription overdoses will occur and more people will die from this growing form of drug abuse.


  1. Tim Nahm says:

    It’s always good to exercise common sense with any treatment, but with the media being so vocal about prescription pain medication it becomes easier to see the risks involved. My main concern is the abusers who will make it harder for the people who need to take painkillers able to obtain them.

  2. ActiveCare says:

    I agree 100% with Tim. There needs to be a reality check on those who have need of medication to sustain quality of life versus those that are just hooked on it because of a prescription drug habit.

  3. Over prescribed drugs will lead to over use, that is common sense. We need to be aware of what taking to many pills can do to our system and we need to ask questions about the drugs, interactions, and risks before use.

  4. josh says:

    i agree with both of you first off the parents should teach there kids and be parents education is always good for every one no matter what the age also the media is going to drive the ppl in charge to make it next to imposiable to get pain meds like i got some hydrocoed 7.5/500 ibuphrofin are how ever u spell it lock in my lockbox rite now that i got a month ago for a ligament i messed up in my knee and i use them as needed i might have them for a year before there all gone its hard to get pills when you really need them with out spending months of hard earned cash are leaving bills at different hospitals like i do bc of no insurance and no way to pay thats whats wrong with the economy now we are not looking for a fix to change it there looking for more ways to make a buck well put systems in place for us to take advantage of and use to are benefit and take if from are tax money personal out of ares not the rest of the populatian and make resonable prices for medical attention and meds and maybe the wouldn’t be in the streets being sold for profit you will never stop the addicts that use and abuse it will always be some on that abuses any thing thats the way it is. i believe this is my personal thoughts on it if they just legalize all the drugs the spot lite would shine on the dark side and leave no glamer for the kids to think there going to get from being a drug user they will see the true side of it and steer clear then we would have the issues in the first place and the problem would minumis not multipliy… its all politics and money nothing more the goverment dont care about are well being are wellfar

  5. Very interesting points. Great article.