6 Things You May Not Have Known About Your Thyroid

Some experts estimate that there are about 59 million Americans who suffer from some kind of thyroid condition. This number includes those who have thyroid diseases like the Hashimoto’s disease, Grave’s disease, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, thyroid cancer, thyroid nodules and more. And the most amazing thing is that this estimate includes a large proportion of people who never really get diagnosed properly for their thyroid condition. Some thyroid facts that can help you understand the importance of the gland and the manner in which you can manage and prevent problems involving it are mentioned below.

The workings of the thyroid system.

The workings of the thyroid system.

1. Thyroid development in the embryo – The thyroid gland appears in the fetus at about 3 to 4 weeks of gestation. This appears in the form of an epithelial proliferation at the base of the tongue. After about a couple of weeks the thyroid can be found at the base of the neck, as it should be. Between 18 to 20 weeks of gestation, the fetal hypothalamus and pituitary start secreting the TRH (thyrotropin-releasing hormone) and TSH hormones (thyroid-stimulating hormone). The amount of fetal triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) is self sufficient for the fetal brain development. Adequate levels prevent abnormalities that can otherwise be caused due to maternal hypothyroidism.

2. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism – The most common and popularly known thyroid conditions are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism is characterized by fatigue, weakness, aching muscles, poor appetite, weight gain, dry and rough skin, depression, memory loss and slow mental activity. On the other hand hyperthyroidism is known to manifest symptoms like nervousness and irritability, weight loss, increase in appetite, heat intolerance, palpitations and tachycardia, decreased menstrual flow in women and light sensitivity too.

3. Significance of iodine – Thyroid diseases are known to be far more abundant in countries where iodine is lacking in the diet. Iodine deficiency can cause enlarged thyroid glands as the gland strives to produce more thyroid hormones like thyroxine and triiodothyronine.

4. Diagnosis – The issue with most thyroid diseases is that they can go undetected for years. The symptoms of all the thyroid diseases can be associated with various other issues. They can also be mistaken for general lethargy or excitement, or normal weight loss or overeating. This is why it is smart to take a home thyroid test and see if there are any underlying thyroid problems.

5. Iodine can fight widespread thyroid conditions – Countries that have had an epidemic level of concern with regards to an underactive thyroid have resorted to iodized salt to eliminate endemic cretinism. Some governments have actually made it mandatory for all manufacturers to produce iodized salt only. The iodine is supplemented by adding sodium iodide or potassium iodide in the salt.

6. Excess iodine is also a concern – While increasing iodine levels has helped many countries, it has been brought to notice that excess of iodine intake can also cause autoimmune thyroid conditions.

Getting a regular check up done annually and keeping a watch on the typical symptoms of thyroid conditions is essential so that corrective measures can be taken as early as possible.

Article by Anne Hamilton

Home Thyroid Tests Can Reveal If You May Have Hypothyroidism

If you have been feeling sluggish or depressed or have suddenly started to gain unexpected amounts of weight, it may well be time for you to get some information about hypothyroidism. A home thyroid test can help you understand whether the amount of thyroid hormone that your thyroid gland is producing is adequate or not and whether it is the thyroid gland that is causing all the various symptoms that you have been observing lately.

Hypothyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce adequate amounts of hormone can be caused due to inflammation of the thyroid gland. Surgery that involves removal of part of the gland is also known to be a cause as is over treatment of hyperthyroidism. While you may be aware of the situation and well informed about it in the latter cases, an inflammation can occur anytime without your knowledge. Regular monitoring with the use of a thyroid test is essential to detect the cause of all the symptoms that go with hypothyroidism like fatigue, cramps, weight gain, edema, constipation, depression, intolerance to cold and more.

The dangers of hypothyroidism are many and effective treatment is possible only if the detection happens at an early stage. If getting a thyroid test done at a clinic is too much of a hassle, you can opt for a home thyroid test.

Thyroid testing at home is simple and all that you need to do is to use a finger lancet and send the sample in a special mailer provided for the purpose. The results are available in a matter of a couple of days.

Undetected and untreated, hypothyroidism can lead to a situation where high levels of TSH hormone are generated by the pituitary because the body expects higher levels of the thyroid hormone. Extreme cases can result in depression that can turn suicidal, heart failure and even coma.

When a simple blood test can avoid a serious consequence like this, it seems judicious to stay aware of the symptoms of hypothyroidism and check your thyroid levels with an easy to use home thyroid test.

If you do not want to be among the many people who continue to get symptomatic treatment for the problems that they face due to hypothyroidism, make sure that you take things into your own hands and take the home thyroid test. Also called the TSH test, it is available online easily.

January 2010 was thyroid awareness month, but any month is a great time to get your thyroid tested. Don’t let your life continue to be littered with frustrations when you can fix it easily if you only knew the reason. A large number of hypothyroidism cases go undetected due to the lack of awareness of the condition. Make use of the convenient home thyroid test to get treated and get your life back in a matter of weeks. With proper diagnosis and medication, you will see a change in your confidence and personality that you never thought possible, all started by taking a simple thyroid test.

You can check out our home thyroid test here!

–  Anne Hamilton

How To Improve Your Thyroid Health

Once you have a thyroid condition it needs to be monitored and managed for life. This is irrespective of whether you are diagnosed of hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, Grave’s Disease or any other hormonal disturbance related to the thyroid. It seems sensible to be aware of the state of your thyroid and try and prevent a thyroid condition rather than manage the thyroid problem all your life later.

The first step that you need to take in order to prevent a thyroid condition is to ascertain the risk level that you are at. Females, those over the age of 60, those with a family history of a thyroid problem or those who have another autoimmune condition are at a higher risk of a thyroid condition. Those who have a diet high in iodine are at a higher risk of hyperthyroidism. On the other hand exposure to radiation, use of lithium in medication, Down Syndrome or Turner Syndrome are high risk indicators for hypothyroidism.

Using a home thyroid test can help you in measuring your levels of TSH so that you are always aware of the proper functioning of your thyroid glands. A home thyroid test is extremely easy to use and removes the inconvenience of going to a center to get the thyroid hormone levels tested. While anyone can take this test, those at a higher risk should check their hormone levels more frequently. Needless to say, early detection can always prevent the problem from getting out of hand and sometimes the thyroid condition can be prevented from getting worse.

Some tips that you can use to reduce the risk of getting a thyroid problem have been listed below. These can help you reduce the chances of getting a thyroid problem effectively.

– Exposure to radiation can lead to thyroid problems. Ask for a thyroid collar when you are getting a dental x-ray or an x-ray of the neck, shoulder or collarbone area.

– If you are a smoker, stop now! Not only does smoking increase the possibility of a thyroid condition, it is also harmful in many other ways. The thiocyanate toxin in cigarettes is particularly known to cause thyroid problems.

– Regular testing can help you prevent thyroid conditions. German researchers found that if a patient has Hashimoto’s autoimmune condition with the TSH under control, treatment options were possible to avoid the progression of the problem into a full blown thyroid condition. In certain cases the Hashimoto’s disease was cured completely too. So use a home thyroid test regularly to identify such a condition and rid yourself of the problem before it is too late.

– Avoid too much soy. While there is no specific research that proves that soy causes a thyroid problem, too much of everything is bad. While you can consume soy, be careful not to overdo it.

– It is said that the inexpensive mineral supplement Selenium can help in preventing some kinds of thyroid conditions.

– Fluoride was used to treat hyperthyroidism at some time. It reduces the activity of the thyroid and in a world where fluoride is presented to us in various forms an overdose needs to be guarded against.

While these tips can help you prevent the obvious aspects that lead to thyroid issues, there is no denying that a home thyroid test done regularly can help you nip the condition in the bud allowing you to live a fuller and healthier life.

So check out our home thyroid test!  It could be the first step you take to a healthier life.

–  Anne Hamilton

1 Video, Many Reasons: Test Your Thyroid This Month

It is almost the end of Thyroid Awareness Month, so we have a video to wrap up the reasons to test your thyroid for you.  It’s 20 minutes long and it’s well worth the look!  Brought to you by Access Health:

The take-away quote for us? Well, there are two. “[The thyroid hormone] is required by every tissue, every cell, every organ to function properly” and “Thyroid disease is extremely common, especially in women.”  “27 million Americans have some type of thyroid disease and about half don’t know it.”  We had to include that one too.

So if after this video you are curious about finding out your level of thyroid hormone, know that you can do so conveniently with a home thyroid test.  Ours features accurate results from a CLIA certified laboratory that uses the same processes as any standard reference laboratory in the country.  The kit comes with well-written instructions on how to take your own blood sample and the results are mailed to you by the lab in the form of a report.  You can then share that report with a health provider and figure out what to do next.  It’s a quick and easy way to find out if you are one of the 13 million Americans who does not know they have a thyroid disorder.

Thyroid Test for Personal Awareness During Thyroid Awareness Month

The thyroid gland is located in the front part of the neck and produces thyroid hormones that regulate metabolism. The hormones are responsible for the energy levels of a person, and aid in the use of other hormones and the growth of the body. Under production or over production of the thyroid hormones causes various problems in the body resulting in hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. The symptoms that are caused are very general in nature making a thyroid test necessary to detect the real cause of the symptoms.

According to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) there are about 27 million Americans who suffer from some kind of a thyroid disorder. And it is estimated that about 50% of these cases are undiagnosed due to the nature of the symptoms. Given that diabetes is estimated to have an incidence of 16 million, thyroid disorders are considered to be the most common endocrine problem. Thyroid testing is one way to foster better diagnosis of the condition ensuring proper and timely treatment. A home thyroid test can be extremely convenient to use too.

It is estimated that 80 percent of these thyroid disorders occur in women. In fact women are 5 times more likely to have a condition called hypothyroidism than men. This means that women should be far more careful about thyroid testing and ensure that they invest in a home thyroid test to avoid thyroid disorders.

Genetics are also considered to affect the risk of thyroid issues. The risk is considered to be two times higher if one parent suffers from a thyroid condition. Pregnancy has also been known to increase the possibility of a thyroid malfunction. Statistics tell us that one in every five newborn children has an underactive thyroid and most of this does not get detected because a thyroid test is not a mandatory checkup at birth.

Two in every five cases of hyperthyroid disorders are caused by the autoimmune hyperthyroidism (Graves’ disease). Autoimmune hypothyroidism (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis) accounts for about 95 percent of the hypothyroidism cases. Swollen thyroid glands account for about 5 percent and may not involve a hormonal imbalance. Whether it is Hashimoto’s or Grave’s, a thyroid condition can only be established with the help of a thyroid test.

Today you can avail yourself of a home thyroid test that is available in online medical stores so that you can test the levels of the TSH hormone itself at home. The test indicates whether the thyroid is producing enough hormones by detecting the level of TSH hormone in your blood. The TSH hormone is produced by the pituitary, not the thyroid, and when the pituitary senses there is not enough thyroid hormone it releases TSH. If the level of TSH being released in your body is not in a good middle range between the poles of too much or too little then there may be a problem.

This January in 2010 is Thyroid Awareness Month, the purpose of which is to create awareness among people of the various symptoms that thyroid problems can cause. A home thyroid test can prove to be a quick and convenient way for you to check the levels of your TSH hormone for proper diagnosis of thyroid issues so that you can get treatment started as soon as possible and relieve yourself of the frustrating symptoms.

New Articles Available on the Main Site

Hi everyone!  Did you know we’ve been very busy at Home Health Testing providing new and clear information on our line of home drug and home health tests?  Yes, it’s true!  Take a look at some of our longer articles, put on the main site due to their size.  If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment or contact us!

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Home Drug Test Instantly With Saliva Tests

Why Home Drug Testing Can Help Solve The Prescription Drug Abuse Problem

Home HIV Test – 5 Good Reasons Why You Should Take One

Home Thyroid Test – 3 Reasons to Take One (also published on ezinearticles as 3 Reasons to Take a Home Thyroid Test)

Nicotine Tests and Insurance Policies

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