The Home Drug Test That Can Catch a College Student’s Drug of Choice

Ritalin and Adderall are two drugs that have been used extensively in the treatment of disorders like Attention Deficit Disorder also known as ADD. These drugs are an integral part of a treatment program that includes psychological, educational and social measures.

College students can and do temporarily increase concentration levels by taking these analeptics that stimulate the central nervous system during exams or otherwise (regardless of whether they have a prescription for the medication). An estimated 20 percent of college students have turned to this method of staying focused. One of the best ways in which the use of these drugs can be abated is by using a home drug test.

It is hypothesized that teenagers fake ADD or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) to obtain a prescription for the drugs. This allows them access to the drug which is otherwise not sold over the counter. They also can obtain these drugs through a black market trade amongst peers.

Fortunately for parents, Adderall can be tested by a home drug test. A test for amphetamines will cover Adderall, as well as other amphetamines you might be concerned about. If you believe your child is using “uppers” then this is the type of test that will address your concern.

The Adderall drug test allows parents to have much better control over their children with regards to their medication. Children who have been prescribed the drug need to take it at regular intervals as per their doctor. If the child is not taking the drug any longer an amphetamines drug test can establish that, which may also mean the child has been distributing the drug to peers.

The Adderall  drug test is also extremely easy to read. If the home drug test for either prescription drug is positive a line will appear in the “control” region to indicate that the test was successful. There will in the case of a positive result be NO line in the “test” area. A negative home drug test result is obtained when there are two lines – one in the “control” area and one in the “test” area.

A simple urine sample is required for the test and therefore you may have to be careful about the manner in which you collect the sample and the authenticity of the same.

Ascertaining whether your child is dependent on these prescription drugs is important. You do not want your child to become dependent on crutches like drugs and chemicals to succeed in life. In addition to that a Adderall drug test can keep your child from consuming these drugs, which can cause medical problems and in the most tragic cases death.

–  Anne Hamilton

3 Easy Ways to Drug Test at Home for Marijuana

Marijuana is one of the most easily available drugs these days and a marijuana drug test that can be done at home is one of the best and easiest ways that can be used to confirm the presence of drugs in the system. The home drug test specimen that is used can be saliva, urine or hair, depending on the specific test that you have chosen.

Depending on the type of sample that is chosen for testing, the results of the test can be known within minutes or days. In addition to that, different samples can provide accurate drug testing for a specific period of time. This means that a marijuana drug test should be chosen based on the time period that you suspect for consumption. The detection periods for each of the home drug tests are preset. However, it should be noted that these differ based on weight, drug tolerance levels, metabolic rate, gender, age, urine ph and overall health.

Recent consumption can be detected using a home test that analyzes a urine sample or a saliva sample. Since marijuana takes a longer time to make it though the scalp then it does into saliva or urine, the hair drug test is generally used for detection of drugs in a longer detection period.

The details of each test are given below.

Hair drug test – This home drug test is the most enduring and can be used to check if any drug has been consumed within a window of 90 days. The test that uses a properly collected sample of hair can test other drugs like cocaine, opiates, PCP and amphetamines along with marijuana. In most cases, there is a specified way in which the specimen has to be collected. This specimen is then required to be sent to the laboratory via first class mail or courier services. To maintain confidentiality the results are almost always available online and sometimes by phone.

Saliva drug test – This marijuana test is a practically instantaneous way of getting results and can allow you to assess whether someone has been taking marijuana (among other drugs) in a matter of minutes. The accuracy is evaluated and estimated to be around 97% making this a very popular test with parents and educational institutions. The only things required for this are a mouth and a gum swab. This test is used when you want to confirm consumption that has just taken place since marijuana appears in the saliva about an hour after consumption and generally disappears 12 hours after consumption or earlier.

Urine drug test – Another test that can be used to get results almost immediately, this test does not require you to send any sample to a laboratory. The home test kit can help you test up to twelve drugs at the same time, marijuana among them. Marijuana appears in a urine sample about 2 to 5 hours after consumption and is detectable for up to 15 to 30 days if the person is a heavy smoker. People that use marijuana less frequently will have a shorter detection period and it will not stay in their urine for as long a time.

A home drug test that detects marijuana can be an efficient tool for parents, especially when used judiciously to avoid causing harm to the relationship between parent and child. These easy tests can be the first step in a parent-child conversation about drugs, or the first step toward ending a marijuana habit.  If you have any questions about these tests, be sure to contact us.

5 Advantages to Home Drug Testing

A home drug test is a scientific piece of equipment that allows you to conduct an experiment at home that tells you whether the person from whom the sample is taken has been taking drugs or not. While home drug testing is becoming extremely popular among parents of teens, the drug testing kits are also being used in schools, offices and small businesses.

These home tests can be used to detect harmful drugs like THC (called marijuana, weed, pot or hash), opiates (heroin, morphine or codeine), cocaine (crack or snow), MDMA (ecstasy or X), Amphetamines (speed or uppers) and Benzodiazepines (Valium or Xanax).

A home drug test has various advantages over a test that is done in the laboratory. The top 5 advantages of testing drugs at home are listed below:

1. Faster results – This test can be done within minutes. You do not have to collect the sample, deliver it to the laboratory and then wait patiently for the results to come in. With a drug test kit, you can take a sample and use a disposable drug test to know the answer to the question that has been plaguing you for some time.

2. A deterrence for children – Teenage drug users may try to convince other teenagers that they should give drugs a try because their parents will never find out. Now teens and parents can counter this with an easy retort about the availability of a home drug test at home. This helps in providing children with a convenient way of getting out of a situation and parents an easy way to help buy xenical online their children.

3. Affordable – A urine or a hair follicle drug test is relatively cheaper as compared to a laboratory test. The cost advantage of an at home drug test is evident especially when you look at employers who are using the tests. These employers find the tests easier to pay for and administer – and if the prospective employee fails, the burden falls to them to prove they are drug-free by taking a more expensive laboratory test.

4. Private – A home drug test can also help you maintain your privacy. This is particularly important in smaller towns where you may not want the whole local area to know that you have had drug testing done for your child.

5. Convenient – In addition to all that has been mentioned above home drug testing is extremely easy to use and convenient for all. The item can be carried on a vacation and can be used anywhere. A saliva test or disposable breath alcohol test can simply fit in your pocket and be used without any sort of trouble or invasion of physical privacy.

While drug testing at home has many positives, such kits should be used judiciously. False positives that can be caused by poppy seeds, mouthwashes and medicines can lead to false accusations and therefore knowing the right time of using a home drug test is critical. However, most home drug test kits are FDA Approved (check specific products to be sure) and with upwards of 95% accuracy are a great way to start a conversation about drug use.

Anne Hamilton

Nicotine Test – Top 5 Reasons to Buy

Have you ever thought of purchasing a tobacco test? You know, an easy to use urine drug test that allows you to figure out if cotinine is still in your system? Here are the top 5 reasons why this might be a good idea for you:

1. You will learn what cotinine is. Cotinine is a metabolite of nicotine, and when you purchase a nicotine test, that is what you are testing for in urine. Cotinine can still be detected in urine up to 2 to 4 days after the last tobacco use. And indeed, as wikipedia states, it is an anagram of nicotine. So that is one fun fact about the nicotine test already!

2. It is really, really easy to use. Just like any other urine-based home drug test, the nicotine test uses a very simple procedure. Just collect a urine sample and use the included dropper to put a few drops of urine on the cassette (see the full nicotine test instructions for details). You will have your results in all of five minutes!

3. Nicotine tests are an increasingly popular form of screening among insurance companies and employers. The days of 50s chain-smoking live on only in Mad Men. Insurance companies are keen to know who smokes and thus has higher risk factors for a number of conditions, and employers who provide health insurance want to know as well. A recent story about someone who lost their job because of a nicotine test highlights the issue, as does this blog article on smoking.

4. It is extremely accurate. Nicotine tests are very, very good at detecting tobacco use of all kinds – cigar smoke, cigarette smoke, chewing tobacco. They are FDA approved and 99% accurate. They can also detect very very small amounts of cotinine in urine – the tests we sell meet the standard cutoff level of 200 ng/ml.

5. It will help you quit. When you quit a habit like smoking, it is good to set goals and have a plan. You may want someone else to monitor your progress, or you may want to use them to monitor someone else’s progress. Will you be gratified when you take one of these tests and see that your test comes back negative for cotinine – that your body is clean? We think so.

There are many reasons to be interested in this particular home drug test, but these are your top 5 for today!

Nicotine Test As Part of the Great American Smokeout!

You may know as a reader of this blog that the Great American Smokeout is tomorrow. It’s an opportunity to give up smoking or plan to do so, and if you’re planning, to figure out how to do it – get rid of ashtrays, attend a class, prevent relapse by keeping a nicotine test or two around.

Some fast facts about from the American Cancer Society about smoking. Did you know…:

    This is the 34th Great American Smokeout?

    That smokers who quit at age 35 gain an average of eight years of life expectancy?

    That smokers who quit at 65 gain three years?

So it is never too late to quit smoking, nor is it an impossible task.

We welcome you to join us on twitter (we are HomeHealthTweet) with any of your comments about the Great American Smokeout, or if you have any questions about our nicotine test. It works like any home drug test we carry (check them out by clicking on the link) that requires a urine sample, and is just as easy to do and accurate. Quitting smoking is, as the American Cancer Society says, about commitment – and it is good to have as many tools by your side to make sure you stay the course once you choose to quit. There may be events going on in your area, or support groups springing up to help you make the choice to quit.

A tobacco test could be your best friend during the Great American Smokeout tomorrow and days hence! We wish everyone luck tomorrow with quitting and look forward to your comments and questions. If you wish to add a home nicotine test to your efforts, just click on the link and checkout as an anonymous guest or register with us. You can change the quantity from 5 to 10 pack, and choose how many of the chosen pack you would like at the shopping cart screen. We hope you find our nicotine test an effective way to keep committed to quitting – for good!

How To Incorporate A Home Drug Test Into A Conversation With Your Teen

The Partnership for a Drug-Free America has come up with a new online tool, “Time to Act” for parents concerned about teen drug use to use. Whether you know or think you know that your child is using anything from nicotine, alcohol, or harder drugs, this is a guide that will help you prepare for the difficult conversation you nonetheless want to and need to have with your teen.

If you are considering incorporating a home drug test into the conversation, you do have various options. If hard drugs are not involved, an alcohol test or nicotine test might be sufficient as a way of keeping a teen on a drug free regimen. These tests are simple to use urine tests and come in packs of 5 (nicotine) or 10 (alcohol) for such a purpose. They are extremely accurate and difficult to dodge.

Or perhaps you are in a different situation – you are not sure what your child may be using. In this case, the option of a multi-drug urine drug test or a hair drug test may be something to consider. For less than 10 dollars, you can find out if your child has been using any of the 12 drugs on the panel (click the link above to see exactly what drugs are included). If your question is along the lines of “how long has this been going on,” hair drug tests can help you answer that by giving you a 90 day history of drug use. We sell many tests that might fill your need in one way or another – our drug test detection times chart is a great resource for figuring out what kind of test could best solve your questions.

Like the “Time to Act” tool, we wish here at Home Health Testing to play a constructive role in helping friends and parents facing such difficult conversations. We hope that not only our products but the quality of our information will help you through any process involving drug use or addiction. Thank you for reading our blog and please feel free to leave a comment!

Update 11/18: We also want to say thanks to the Fuller Youth Institute for recommending us as a resource for a home drug test when talking to a teen and dealing with drug abuse. You can check out their blog entry here: Fuller Youth Institute: Courageous Intervention.